Can you trust your bank?
Production: ITN
Director: David batty
Jon Snow plots the fall from grace of our banks
This programme used the twitter feeds from a number of Jon Snow’s tweeted queries, asking the public if they could trust their banks, and if they could trust the government with the task of regulation. Taking general street views from both Yorkshire and London, we tracked the footage and composited this with in-vision twitter feeds.

Secrets of the Taxman
Production: Vera productions
Director: Katie Churcher
Just what are the board of HM Customs & Revenue up to advising on tax avoidance
The undercover team report on tax avoidance in a surprisingly light-hearted romp. TDD produced quirky graphics and illustrators to keep the tone a little lighter. On 9th July, Channel 4.

Mr & Mrs Assad
Production: ITN
Director: Andrew Carter
An investigation into the Syrian leader Bashir al-Assad and his wife Asma.
The ‘Dispatches’ team, led by reporter Jonathon Miller, investigated the glamourous, Western looking Assads and plotted their connections to the atrocities on the ground in Syria. Two large scale canvases were built incorporating militaristic detailing and gritty textures and then animated hand-drawn circles and lines highlighted the individuals concerned.
Publicity Still from programme
How to buy a football club
Production: Vera Productions
Director: Richard sanders
How exactly does one go about attempting to buy an English football club? Dispatches goes undercover to find out.
Its nice when we get to produce programme graphics that are a little different from our usual delivery method. For this programme we had to provide interactive graphics which the presenter could activate on whiteboard revealing the network which they had uncovered in attempting to buy a Premier league or Championship club.

Murder on Honeymoon
Production: Mentorn.tv
Director: Dimitri Collingridge
Channel 4’s ‘Dispatches’ highlight the case of Anni Dewani’s murder in Cape Town whilst on Honeymoon.
We built Cape Town street maps and extruded the terrain to give a sense of a town in the shadow of ‘Table Mountain’. The sequences where built using 3DS max’s camera to roughly follow the route Anni would have taken before she was murdered; allegedly with the involvement of her new husband.

Tabloids, Tories & Telephone hacking
Production: Blakeway
Director: Richard Sanders
Channel 4’s ‘Dispatches’ team investigate the murky world of tabloid hacks and there relations with government.
To help illustrate the process behind reporters hacking into telephone answering machines we built a complex looking series of number strings, each with their own random counting structure. Within a pseudo 3D environment we were able to place our virtual camera and then send it down a number of linear paths to ape the effect of travelling down a telephone wire only to end with a number of prominent numbers suggesting the answering machine code had been cracked.
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