This Rize USA production tells the incredible story of 20-year old Gemma Barker, who disguised herself as a boy so she could date girls. The scandal made the headlines around the world earlier this year and Gemma was since sent to prison for fraud and sexual assault. She created three boys Aaron, Luke and Conner who dressed and spoke differently, had their own Facebook page, email and phone number. Then, in the guise of these three boys Gemma deceived two young girls into having sex.
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Monthly Archives July 2012
Orthopaedic Research UK
Orthopaedic Research UK are a British charity who raise funding for bone and joint problems. The informational film, produced by ‘Inspired Films’ describes ORUKs charitable contributions and their research. Using pictogram style elements and flat graphics, we managed to create a film that holds a lot of informative text, but which is still enjoyable to view.
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Secrets of the Taxman
The undercover team report on tax avoidance in a surprisingly light-hearted romp. TDD produced quirky graphics and illustrators to keep the tone a little lighter. On 9th July, Channel 4.
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