For more than a century, our high streets have been key to our communities, but now, with one in ten shops sitting empty, they are in crisis. In this BBC Panorama, business journalist Adam Shaw investigates the government’s plans to spend millions of pounds reviving run-down town centres and other trends. Graphics-wise we’ve added some nameplates, included in the title and contributed two graphic sequences revealing the most recent stats on changing trends.
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Archives for Panorama
Panorama – Syria’s Chemical War
Working with the BBC Panorama team we plotted at least 177 Syrian Chemical attacks on our map sequences; subdividing them into years, land or air attacks, different poisons and those corroborated by more than one official source. The end result was projected onto a large studio screen for pieces to camera. This was a joint BBC Panorama & BBC Arabic programme and therefore all the graphics were also supplied with their Arabic translations.
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Panorama – Hacked: Smart Home Devices
Smart devices and the latest technological gadgets give us remote control of our homes and our cars – but how safe are they? Reporter Fiona Phillips investigates… To help highlight the nature of the smart homes vulnerabilities we built a model of the owners house and textured it so it appeared as a normal flat illustration. We could populate the rooms with animated characters and numerous smart devices all transmitting data awaiting capture from the hacker. Directed and Produced by Christopher Hardy for Hardcash Productions.
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Panorama – BHS: How did it happen?
The way in which millions of pounds were made out of BHS has been branded the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’. 11,000 people lost their jobs as a black hole opened up in the pension fund. For this expose on the business antics of ‘Sir Philip’ we created a stylised High St. populated by Sir Philip and Lady Green and his business partners. The only character missing was the luxury Yacht but that may happen if we have to revisit the Greens again.
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Panorama – Terror on the beach
On 26 June 2015, 38 tourists, 30 of them British, were gunned down in a brutal terror attack on a Tunisian beach. Panorama’s Jane Corbin hears the extraordinary stories of that day.
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Panorama – Don’t take my car!
Short little animated sequences showing when certain teams of Baliffs come a calling and impound your car. Directed by Claire Burnett for SnapperTV and ulimately for BBC Panorama.
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Panorama – All in a Good Cause
Panorama: Traffic Fines – Highway Robbery?
Panorama investigates traffic fines in London and the revenue generated for the councils. Graphics ranged from superimposing stats within road markings to cartoon towns. At the moment its on the BBC iPlayer. Try this link to see if it’s still available.
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