Archives for Character Animation

Coca Cola Pac Conference 2014

We’ve provided all the elements for Coca-Cola’s conference opening film.  From quirky animated characters to an environment around the circumference of a classic coke bottle; all providing the holding device for CC to celebrate their achievements during the year. [/vc_row]
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Grocery Aid

Here’s our latest Grocery Aid animation. Several little scenes tell stories of the many people helped by the charity. The tone of the animation plays with sensitive subject matter such as sudden illnesses, money worries and caring responsibilities which grocery workers might encounter over their lifetime. The animation was produced by Minamon Film.
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Panorama – BHS: How did it happen?

The way in which millions of pounds were made out of BHS has been branded the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’. 11,000 people lost their jobs as a black hole opened up in the pension fund. For this expose on the business antics of ‘Sir Philip’ we created a stylised High St. populated by Sir Philip and Lady Green and his business partners. The only character missing was the luxury Yacht but that may happen if we have to revisit the Greens again.  
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Beef Jerky

This is how Meat Snacks Group make Beef Jerky in their factory in Scotland. Superbly animated by our own Lucie Julliat with a little from the rest of the team. This is an NRG Digital production produced by Rob Edmonds.
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Rich and On Benefits

Michael Buerk reveals the world of benefits for pensioners for Dispatches. We used an old cut-out style graphic to explain the benefits to give it a light-hearted approach. The characters are brought in with small sticks and offbeat movement to keep it quirky. The colours and type echo old Saul Bass shorts. The information is brought in with scrolls which were also printed and used within the show.
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MPs: Are They Still At It?

More than three years after the MPs’ expenses scandal was exposed in the press, Antony Barnett examines whether UK parliamentarians are still abusing the system. He discovers there are problems with a lack of transparency and unearths evidence that some members are continuing to cash in. A great ‘tongue-in-cheek’ bus tour begins in London, visiting MPs’ second homes; new properties which they continue to rent, at the taxpayers expense, when often their main property is just further up the road.
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