Archives for Broadcast

Rich and On Benefits

Michael Buerk reveals the world of benefits for pensioners for Dispatches. We used an old cut-out style graphic to explain the benefits to give it a light-hearted approach. The characters are brought in with small sticks and offbeat movement to keep it quirky. The colours and type echo old Saul Bass shorts. The information is brought in with scrolls which were also printed and used within the show.
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Queen Victoria’s Children

A three part series for BBC on the dysfunctional family relationship between Queen Victoria and her children. The graphic sequences helped balance the programmes lack of archive and colourful photography. Large canvases were produced reflecting the unfolding story and once the moves were decided upon, we were able to add lighting changes, reflections and other faux three-dimensional elements. Note: Only audio guide tracks available.
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Secrets of your Supermarket Shop

As food prices rise, what’s the best way to reduce your weekly bill at the supermarket? Channel 4 Dispatches conducted a nationwide fruit and veg experiment to find out if you could save money by heading to the market stall, the shop next door, or even just a different branch of the same supermarket down the road.
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TT Legends

The TV series follows the racers across the 8 locations from Japan to Le Mans, including Germany and the Isle of Man. Retro posters were the inspiration for the titles which combine the destinations of the races. An animating title sequence explores the different locations as a virtual camera pans through, to eventually land on the episode title.
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Plebgate: Channel 4 News

An investigation into the allegations against Andrew Mitchell, the government ex-chief whip and his confrontation with police offers. We reconstructed an accurate 3D model of Downing street, placing each of the individuals in actual and proposed situations. The sequences aired on Channel 4 news as part of their breaking investigation on December 18th 2012.
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Nobel: Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells

This half hour documentary recognises four scientists whose work has enabled huge leaps forward in our understanding of medical research: 2012 Chemistry Laureates Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K. Kobilka and 2012 Medicine Laureates Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka. The Laureates talk about their background, their work, and the story behind their groundbreaking research. Leading scientists explain how this work has influenced them, and patients tell us how they have been helped by these medical developments.
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