Commissioned by ITN Productions to help the Director, Jenny Dames relate the complexity of the Big Ben (properly entitled The Elizabeth Tower) mechanics and the scale of the four-year refurbishment project which is undergoing a four year refit.
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Archives for OUR NEWS
Will Britain ever have a Black PM?
This documentary was part of the Black & British season. We worked with the director Steve Grandison to illustrate the near impossibility of a black British infant growing up and becoming our Prime Minister via some quite shocking statistics blocking any advancement. There were eight stand alone animated films produced covering everything from poverty, education, employment and the world of politics.
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Panorama – BHS: How did it happen?
The way in which millions of pounds were made out of BHS has been branded the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’. 11,000 people lost their jobs as a black hole opened up in the pension fund. For this expose on the business antics of ‘Sir Philip’ we created a stylised High St. populated by Sir Philip and Lady Green and his business partners. The only character missing was the luxury Yacht but that may happen if we have to revisit the Greens again.
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